Posts in One Minute Mama
How to Make the Most of Each Day

In life we do so many things on auto-pilot. Day in and day out our routines don’t take much intense concentration. Some days we feel like it’s wake up, take care of the family, go to work, eat dinner, go to bed…repeat. Yes, many days are routinely normal and this is a good thing, one we should never take for granted, but how do we maximize each day? We change the automatic.

Here’s how:

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One Minute Mama - Learning

One Minute Mama- Learning

Watching my granddaughter learn has been very insightful. Maybe it’s because I’m Grandma and I can look at things from a different perspective than a busy Mom. In every waking moment a child learns and reacts, some are good responses and some need adjustment. Anna R. from New Jersey has some great advice to new Moms. She states, “Try to look at things through your child’s eyes when you are feeling frustrated with them. They are constantly growing and changing, and pausing to remember that they are still learning how to cope with the big world puts things into perspective.”

This straight forward advice is key to remember when raising toddlers.

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One Minute Mama - Asking for Help

One Minute Mama – Asking for Help

Let’s face it, Moms are superheroes. They seem to tackle it all and add more to their plates. They are quite independent and are always ready to help others and offer advice. Moms juggle childcare, work, home balance and being a wife, just to name a few. They are “givers” to every one around them but what happens when they need help? They need to learn how to receive and ask for help.

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One Minute Mama - Taking Control of your Thoughts

One Minute Mama – Taking Control of your Thoughts

When I think back to when I was a new mom, I clearly remember being up for a late-night feeding, turning on the news and hearing a horrific story involving a Mom.  No matter how hard I tried, it was almost impossible to get that news story out of my head.  I was tormented with all kinds of disturbing thoughts of what ifs and whys.  The next day the replay of the news story went through my head like a ticker tape.  The thought was hanging around and it started to take root.  The effect was distress and stolen happy moments.  I knew I had entered into a spiritual battle.

A spiritual battle is when the good (God) and the bad (devil) are warring for control of your mind.  It can become very real, scary and consuming.  This is when a person needs to understand what is taking place in the spiritual realm.  In Ephesian 6:12(NIV) it states, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  This is a very real battle and can affect all people at any age and at any time.

I have learned that when bad thoughts present themselves, I need to take a moment to realize that I have a choice as to which path I am going to take.  Am I going to catastrophize the thought and let torment entrap me?  Or on the contrary, am I going to realize that I am on God’s team and I have the ability to partner up with His promises on how to battle?   A very powerful scripture to overcome the proverbial slippery slope of thought patterns is 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5(NKJ).  It says, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”

This scripture has rescued me many times when the news, tv or movies plant tormenting seeds in my mind.  Another tool I use comes from a book that I read years ago.  This book has really helped to fight the spiritual battles that we face using Christian fiction.  It is titled, This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti. (book link here )  I have shared it with many friends, teens and peers as a tool to help understand and release the bondage of spiritual attacks.  This novel along with powerful scripture is the arsenal needed to fight and win this war of the mind.

I am sharing all this so you know that there is a way to find peace in the knowledge that you have a way to be free from tormenting thoughts. Reaching this understanding in my own life has liberated my mind and helped me experience the daily joy that God desires for me and I know He desires for all of us. It has rescued me countless times in my life and I know for a fact it will help you too.


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One Minute MamaJennifer Bosma
One Minute Mama - Stay On Your Path

One Minute Mama – Stay on Your Path

Most have heard the quote by Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  Emily H. of Georgia has similar advice for Mamas when she said, “Stay on your path.  You were uniquely created to be the mother of your child.  Hold tight to that truth and fight the urge to veer based on someone else’s opinions or practices.”

God speaks to each of us uniquely.  What he tells one Mama to do can be very different than what he tells another.  Sure, it is great for a community of Moms to learn from one another but be careful to honor what God puts in your heart for your child and the best practices needed for your family.

You may have noticed that, ironically, I am offering advice for Moms around the world, so I am not necessarily saying not to take the advice.  However, in all advice given, the Lord needs to set the true course as to the best direction for you and your family. That’s why in every situation, say a quick prayer for confirmation from Him. His path is always the best and you can take comfort in the peace of knowing He will shine the light upon the path down which you should go.


Proverbs 3: 6 (NIV)- “in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

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One Minute Mama - Don't Compare

One Minute Mama – Don’t Compare


In our world of social media, with news at our finger tips, it’s easy to get drawn into a comparison ideology of other people’s lives vs. our own.  Amy C. of California offers an insightful viewpoint, “Take all advice with a grain of salt. Instagram and Facebook are full of picture-perfect families with tons of opinions.  I promise that their day-to-day is very different.  Do what works for you and your family.  Don’t feel guilty for not following the perfect plan laid out in photos or by some social media guru.”

This is so true! Up until ten years ago, most people relied on reading books about parenting and also following tried and true practices spread by word of mouth.  Social media was just developing, but social groups of women, getting together to talk about their common experiences has been happening since the dawn of time.  Now, a young mom can search the internet and in seconds find a plethora of solutions to her problem that are all “guaranteed” to work.  But do you really trust all the spectacular images, vacations and storybook romances as presented on social media?

Why not try and find a community of other moms that are in your neighborhood or city.  Get out of your house and cultivate time spent with these other ladies that are in your same proverbial “boat.”  Share ideas, and listen to advice they may offer face to face.  No social media post is a replacement for direct, face to face, human contact.  Being in a play group, bible study, or other child activity class is a better way to gain practical advice on day to day child developments, and see the results, first hand.

Last but not least, pray. These are the most tiring, but most influential days in your child’s young life. So many foundations are developing and a mom who is always comparing her family or herself to others is discounting the very important role she plays. Listen to advice and take what has value, but remember, through prayer, the Lord will guide your heart down the best path you should take and He has the best advice to offer.


Galatians 6:4 (NIV) Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.”



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One Minute Mama - A Unique Thing

One Minute Mama – A Unique Thing

Recently at a baby shower, Moms and adult children were giving advice to the expectant mama.  Many great words of wisdom were shared but one suggestion really stood out. Stacy B. of Texas stated, “When your kids are growing up, have a unique “thing” with each of them.”  Stacy went on to explain what the “thing” meant.

She shared that with her Mom, she always did choreographed motions at the door before bed with her favorite night time music.  Like it was yesterday, she started demonstrating with her hands as she explained.  In addition, she always did a modified, “I love you” gesture with her Dad as she would catch the bus for elementary school and continuing on years later as she drove herself off to college.  It was amazing how vivid these two events were in her mind even after all of the time had passed since they first evolved.

So, do some special “thing,” unparalleled with each of your kids.  Don’t make it a “one size fits all” application but unique for each of your children.  It is amazing that even after the many years of their initiation, they will be quick to remember these special bonds.  The little things you are doing now are creating a lasting impression, solidifying the bond between you and your children. You never know, it may become that great piece of parenting advice that they share down the road.

Psalm 127:3 (NIV)

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.


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One Minute Mama - Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

One Minute Mama – Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

As a young mom, it’s easy to feel like your days fall into the mundane cycle of cook, clean, sleep, repeat.  No shocker here, it does! Raising small children is a moment by moment mental and physical challenge.  A mom is responsible for their child’s needs, at all times of the day, every day. It is very easy to feel trapped in this habitual rut. Even people who don’t have children can easily slip into this phenomenon of doing the same things, the same way, all the time.  Anna R. of New Jersey addressed this concept head on as she stated, “Expose your kids to the world, take them on adventures, even if it is just locally. Try to make it a habit to get out of your comfort zone and try new things, it’ll inspire them to do the same.”

Anna has a great recommendation for all of us, because getting on the proverbial “hamster wheel of life,” is easy to do without even realizing it.  What keeps us from trying new things?

Recently, in my classroom, our guidance counselor, Rebecca Grindstaff ED.S. (Specialist in Educational Leadership, Masters in School Counseling) encouraged our students to adopt a “Growth Mindset.” The term “Growth Mindset” was developed by psychologist Carol Dweck and became popularized in her book Mindset, The New Psychology of Success. In her book, Dweck challenges her readers to move from a fixed mentality to a growth mentality. This means that instead of saying, “I can’t!” the mindset changes to, “I haven’t done that YET!” It has been inspiring to see the freedom in my students when they realize they all have the ability, if they put forth effort and are not intimidated by failure. They also come to realize that it is acceptable if something takes more than one or several attempts, especially if it is difficult. 

Circling back to Anna’s advice, nurture this principle early on in your child’s development. Expose them to new learning environments and experiences. Avoid the same routine schedule, just because it is comfortable. Drive to the new playground, go to a different library, have them try a new food at each restaurant. The possibilities are endless. Starting at a young age will enable your children to not be afraid of risk and unknown life experiences but to embrace each learning moment as a new adventure.  By seeing the need for a growth mindset in your own life, away from your own comfort zone, you are modeling an adventurous spirit for your little ones and leading by example. Now, embrace the change and go try something new. You will have a lot more to talk about at the dinner table!


Romans 12:2 (NKJ) “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.”

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