One Minute Mama - Praying for Your Child's Spouse

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Being a mama with young kids, there are many things that top my list for prayer time; school, health, behavior, just to name a few.  During childhood, these things work themselves out and over time it is easy to see God’s hand in getting your child through each situation. There is one prayer that should be added to your prayer list, even when your child is small; your child’s spouse.

Think about this, your child will be an adult a lot longer than they are a child. You have 18 years with them before they trade in their “child” label, and become an adult. So, thinking in terms of the big picture in your prayer life is key. The perfect plan is that their spouse will be with them through the vast majority of adulthood. These key life events will encompass many things, including the birth of their own children, who are, of course, your grandchildren. The commitment to raising these babies in a Christ centered home will be a decision that they will make as a new family.  Additionally, this spouse will be with you at all future family holidays and vacations, and finally, they will be standing by your child’s side, holding their hand at your funeral. Given the pivotal role they play in these future life events, it makes perfect sense to pray early for that future spouse in your child’s life.

Another powerful point is when your young child hears you pray over them, they will hear your prayer about the person they will marry someday and internalize the message. They will come to understand the significance when they hear you speak about the important character traits and beliefs that build a successful marriage. You may not even realize it as you are doing it, but this message will take root in their heart. If you do this with consistency, the key points you emphasize will help shape the prerequisites they look for in their future mate choice.  This is especially critical when they are at the point of making this life decision.

The effects of your prayers are life-long for your little one. Be diligent and deliberate in what you pray and what your child hears. It is not if, but when, they are needed as adults, upon reaching that crossroads in their own life and choosing a soul mate. Your prayers just might make the difference.

So, take the time to pray for them right now, and continue this practice until they find their person.


Matthew 19:5 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh.”