One Minute Mama - Stay On Your Path

Caroline running on the deck to the beach.jpg

One Minute Mama – Stay on Your Path

Most have heard the quote by Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  Emily H. of Georgia has similar advice for Mamas when she said, “Stay on your path.  You were uniquely created to be the mother of your child.  Hold tight to that truth and fight the urge to veer based on someone else’s opinions or practices.”

God speaks to each of us uniquely.  What he tells one Mama to do can be very different than what he tells another.  Sure, it is great for a community of Moms to learn from one another but be careful to honor what God puts in your heart for your child and the best practices needed for your family.

You may have noticed that, ironically, I am offering advice for Moms around the world, so I am not necessarily saying not to take the advice.  However, in all advice given, the Lord needs to set the true course as to the best direction for you and your family. That’s why in every situation, say a quick prayer for confirmation from Him. His path is always the best and you can take comfort in the peace of knowing He will shine the light upon the path down which you should go.


Proverbs 3: 6 (NIV)- “in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”