How to Make the Most of Each Day
4 Simple Tips to Hear God’s Plan for Your Life
Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean - the best way to start your day with God.
In life we do so many things on auto-pilot. Day in and day out our routines don’t take much intense concentration. Some days we feel like it’s wake up, take care of the family, go to work, eat dinner, go to bed…repeat. Yes, many days are routinely normal and this is a good thing, one we should never take for granted, but how do we maximize each day? We change the automatic.
Here’s how:
1. Start your day off in a prayer. This doesn’t have to be long or repetitive, “Lord, make this day be about you shining through me. Let me be a light to others and let me hear your direction in my life. Give me wisdom and joy as I go through my day.”
2. Look for the simple joys in life. Don’t overlook the beauty in the world. Soak in the sunrises and sunsets. Notice your child in a unique moment. Really listen to the compliment that is given to you and don’t dismiss it as being idle chatter. This is God showing you His presence in your life.
3. Be thankful. Focus on what you have rather than what you want. New blessings emerge when we acknowledge all that we have been given by God.
4. Listen to the little voice inside, as I like to identify as the Holy Spirit. He is giving you a plan that He has for you. Don’t dismiss his leading due to being comfortable. He has more planned for you than you can desire or imagine. Ask God to make it clear as to how to activate the plan that He has given you.
Rather than wallow in an “automatic” day look for the extraordinary that God has prepared for you. It is there if we choose to alter our focus to be bigger than ourselves.
Ephesians 3: 20- “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”