Matthew 26:64
Read MoreOver the years, many have heard the term, “women’s intuition.” It generally refers to a woman’s ability to know something without ever being told.
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Think back to something you tried for the first time. I’m sure there was some anticipation of how it was going to go and how successful you would be. It doesn’t matter what it was, doing something for the first time takes confidence and courage. For a child EVERYTHING is new, so there is an element of the unknown daily.
Anna R. from New Jersey states, “Try to look at things through your child’s eye when you’re feeling frustrated with them. They are constantly growing and changing. Pausing to remember that they are still learning how to cope with the big wide world puts things into perspective.”
So, take a deep breath, be calm and explain to your little one exactly what is going on. Your calming words will eventually settle their fears and they will tackle something new in a more peaceful way.
Proverbs 22:6 NIV- Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”
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It is a known fact that a mom is on call 24/7. Moms are always aware of the dinner plan, or lack thereof. They keep a running tally of everything needed at the grocery store, either with, or without a list, even as they mentally scroll through the next day’s events.
Read MoreLife. It’s pretty simple if we let it be. Why do we complicate it? There is a constant pull in this world to be the best, the most popular, the one with the most happening, but why do we let this control our actions? Why do we need to be like everyone else going through the wide gate? When we know it says that the wide gate brings destruction. Who wants that?
Read MorePowerful words from Deuteronomy along with the Great Ocean Road, Australia
Read MoreAs moms we have all heard our children repeat something, exactly as we have said it. Depending on their delivery, it can either be extremely embarrassing, humbling or edifying.
Read MoreFront Parking Spot - Forgiveness
Becoming Free with Unhindered Prayer
One of the biggest blockades of our prayers is probably one of the most difficult to overcome. This is unforgiveness. It’s that person that really hurt you. The one who said the unkind and untruthful words, or even worse, caused you physical or emotional pain. Why is it so hard to forgive?
Basically, we think that if we forgive, it justifies their actions and withholding forgiveness gives us a sense of power over them. What we don’t realize is that our own lack of forgiveness hinders our own prayers and causes us to walk around with an anchor at our feet, keeping us from what God has planned for our own lives, not to mention leaving prayers unanswered.
Holding a grudge or harboring resentment allows that person to live rent free in our heads. It’s that dark part inside that the thief manipulates to steal our joy. Don’t be a dweller, move on and forgive. Break out of the prison of unforgiveness and the deep seeded grudge that you may have toward someone who has done you or your family wrong.
It is only through this step of forgiveness, where you can truly be freed. This allows our prayers to become unhindered and releases God’s gift for us through the Front Parking Spot ideology, so we can live fully and free.
Ephesians 4:31-32 “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
Mark 11:25 “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
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<any would agree that some kind of bedtime routine is very important for our little ones to know that it’s time to go to bed. Every family has a system that works for them. Our routine consisted of dinner, bath, books and then finally, bed.
Read MoreI can still remember exactly when it first happened. My girls were 6, 4 and 2 and the thought of spending a couple of hours at an adventure park seemed to be a good way to spend the day. While pulling into the parking lot it quickly became obvious that others had my same, “good idea.” The lot was jammed packed with minivans and other mom-mobiles.
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