Posts in Front Parking Spot
Living The Lull

If there is one recurring thought I’ve had since I was a little girl, it would be this; I love how God gives us seasons. Just when we are “getting over” one time of year, another is waiting in the balance to bring new excitement. Spring has begun. How do we make the most of each season in life? Read this blog post to make the most of living the lull.

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Front Parking Spot - Thinking

*Thinking, we all do it. We make decisions every minute of the day. The thought comes in, we make a decision, possibly follow through and move on. This process is repeated daily. Are we all the same in this regard, or is there some difference in the how people think, especially those who are able to translate their thoughts into achievement? How do they take a great idea to the next level? Is it possible to challenge popular thinking with alternative ideas to the contrary? Here are a few suggestions. Take yourself out of the box you may be in and allow the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, conviction and discernment to think the way God is directing you. Then confidently take the following steps to explore His direction.

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Front Parking Spot - Sanctity of Human Life Day

Front Parking Spot-Sanctity of Human Life Day

Today is the first annual “Sanctity of Human Life” Day. I haven’t seen too many announcements about it but hopefully through the years, it will get more attention. In a world where the kindness message is heard loud and clear, I am confused why many women don’t show this same “kindness” to their preborn child, and instead choose abortion to end their child’s life.

If a person were to closely examine what actually happens for a child’s life to begin, the sexual contact is the easy part. The baby is a human from Day 1 by virtue of the DNA he or she will carry with them throughout their life. It is clear to see that the beginning of a baby’s life is the miraculous, handiwork of God. There is no doubt that He makes the decision to create this life. If a mother really understands what happens from Day 1, that this baby really is a human and not just a collection of cells, their choice of life would be obvious. However, so many abortion advocates don’t share this with a woman wrestling with this decision.

Here is an abridged weekly snapshot of human development from and this is just the first trimester!

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