Prayer and the Rocking Chair Test


Prayer and the Rocking Chair Test

“Time flies” is an expression that we all have used, countless times. The older we get the more this proves to be true. When we were young, we always wished we were older. We couldn’t wait to experience the life of an adult; driving, dating, turning 21, just to name a few.  In a snap, these milestones came and went. Then the rollercoaster of life really sped up and the decades flew like flipping pages in a good book.

Along this journey of life, things happen, some good, some bad. Decisions are made and all of us find ourselves standing at different crossroads in life, repeatedly. Each direction has benefits and risks. One path may be easier, smoother, the one of least resistance. The other path may be more unknown or represent a leap of faith, as I like to call it. Which path should you take when there are pros and cons to each side? The decision is easy when you do two things.

1.    Prayer:

For starters, all life decisions need to be supported by prayer. It is amazing how when you really ask for God’s confirmation, he’ll send it. The tricky part is stepping out of your comfort zone to actually do it. If you take a leap of faith based on what God puts on your heart, he’ll show up and guide you down the unknown path. Just trust him and know with his direction, he’ll make your path clear. On the flip side, decisions made without prayer or just to ease a circumstance can be a huge regret later. Avoid this so you can pass the rocking chair test later in life.

2.    Rocking Chair Test:

It is safe to say that many of us will be enjoying a nice, comfortable rocking chair on the porch when we are older, let’s say in our 80’s. The rocking chair test is this: imagine yourself sitting in that favorite chair reflecting on your life and looking back to your younger years. Which decisions do you regret? What risks didn’t you take that you wish you did? What would you have done differently? If we apply the rocking chair test to all decisions that we make before we are old, we will most likely sit in that rocking chair one day and know that we have no regrets in our life. This should be our ultimate goal.


When the next crossroads comes up in your life, you now have a plan. Pray an honest prayer and seek God’s will in your decision. Even if His answer seems scary or risky, He is now in your corner, so you are good to go, moving forward. This way you can know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will pass the rocking chair test when your older years arrive. You will be able to rock in that chair on that day with a big smile across your face. This is the smile without regret, reflecting on a life that was well lived.


Jeremiah 6 :16 (NIV) “This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Proverbs 3 :5 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”