The Last Days of Fall
Photo: Southern Oregon
On one of these remaining crisp Fall mornings, step outside and look at the tree leaves, once vibrant, that have fallen to the Earth below. These leaves blanket the ground and await the subtle crunch of your feet or a wind gust to carry them away. Have your eyes focus on the leaves still hanging on to their branches. They are trying so hard not to let go. You and I know it’s only moments before they succumb to a breath of wind and begin their journey down to join the array of colors blending on the ground.
How do these stubborn leaves relate to you and the challenges in your life? In so many subtle ways. What are you still holding on to? Who do you need to forgive? What prayer request do you have to relinquish to God and trust he has it figured out? What worry needs to fly away? New life can’t come to you until you let go of things that need release.
During this time of Fall, with Jesus’ help, let go of the things that burden you. Look at each falling leaf as something you are releasing. Pray to have Jesus remind you of the strongholds that may have become silent. Then, one by one, see each of these burdens in your life float down to create the crunch of leaves you step on below your feet. Your tree will become barren. Let God work as He will prepare you for new inner growth during winter. You need to be patient, trust Him, and let go.
Spring is coming.
Ephesians 4:31- “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.”