One Minute Mama - Introduction

Before a couple gets married all kinds of advice is given. The most frequent piece of advice for a happy marriage usually sounds something like this: “Communication is the key to a great marriage.” Engaged couples will nod their head in agreement and rarely disagree with this key piece of advice. As we all know, communication is opening up your heart about joys, plans, and concerns. It is not holding back when there is a feeling that needs to be shared. It is about expressing our thoughts and being quiet to hear what the other person is saying, to understand their point of view. Prayer is no different.

Very few Christians would deny that they would love to have open communication with Jesus. To actually hear Jesus speak back to us would be awe inspiring and our paths would be made so clear. However, an audible voice is rarely heard. So how can we grow in our relationship with Jesus? The secret is through communication with prayer, patience, and forgiveness! Let’s first focus on prayer.

Pray about everything! There is nothing too insignificant or silly to pray about. He wants to hear everything you have to say, feel, and question. Strive to have constant communication with Jesus anytime, anywhere. There are no rules, no fancy words, just open your heart and share. Challenge yourself to build this connection with Him, just as you would with your marriage or relationships. Your connection with Jesus will grow by leaps and bounds, and you will begin to hear His answers in your heart very clearly.


Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find: knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” NKJ


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