
One Minute Mama – Growing, April 1, 2019

Think back to something you tried for the first time. I’m sure there was some anticipation of how it was going to go and how successful you would be. It doesn’t matter what it was, doing something for the first time takes confidence and courage. For a child EVERYTHING is new, so there is an element of the unknown daily.

Anna R. from New Jersey states, “Try to look at things through your child’s eye when you’re feeling frustrated with them. They are constantly growing and changing.  Pausing to remember that they are still learning how to cope with the big wide world puts things into perspective.”

So, take a deep breath, be calm and explain to your little one exactly what is going on. Your calming words will eventually settle their fears and they will tackle something new in a more peaceful way.

Proverbs 22:6 NIV- Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”