Posts in Front Parking Spot
Front Parking Spot - A Break in the Clouds of 2020

The other day I saw a T-shirt that summarized the feelings of many about 2020. It was the Grinch holding a mask instead of an ornament with the words “2020, Stink, Stank, Stunk” front and center.

It is undeniable that many people have suffered extreme circumstances of great loss, whether it was medically, financially, or personally. My heart goes out to each person who has dealt with the wrath of 2020. My prayer is that through it all they develop a closer bond with our Lord, Jesus Christ, who maintains His dominion over our world, and will always remain on His throne.

What about the moments of this year, where the clouds broke and the sun shone through? There are many bright sides of 2020 if we really reflect and think about it. Here are seven shining moments of a dark year from my perspective.

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Front Parking Spot - Better Not Bitter

With the looming presidential election, every person you speak to has a strong political opinion. The passionate viewpoints, on each side, have their own sources to back up their beliefs. These claims have the ability to divide friends, ruin relationships and cause serious anxiety and depression when debated. It can easily become a dark, ominous, worry cloud over our psyche and create a root of bitterness and fear in our spirits. How do we break this bondage?

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Front Parking Spot - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you," Jeremiah 1:5

Front Parking Spot - “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,” Jeremiah 1:5


One week ago, my granddaughter made her grand entrance into this world. It has been an amazing moment for all of us, as we celebrate this new life that has been given to our family.  She is the next generation of a legacy of love, faith, compassion and hard work.  She is God’s gift, direct from heaven, woven in her mother’s womb and sent to us here on Earth.

With all of the life moments that have happened this week, I couldn’t help but to think of my upcoming children’s book, The Baby Garden.  In my mind “The Baby Garden” is the place where all babies are before conception.  When God ordains it and the parents cooperate, He sends each baby to their sweet mama to grow into the little human that was perfectly chosen by Him.  He has equipped the babies with their talents and individual strengths that will be with them all of their days here on Earth.  Now we have this wonderful child joining us along our path of life.  It is going to be our honor, and our joy, to journey alongside of her as she develops into the woman that God has called her to be.  She will learn, make mistakes and grow in the ways He has ordained for her, but she was perfectly designed and chosen by Him to be in all of our lives.

Throughout my daughter’s pregnancy, I noticed that there was a tremendous amount of speculation as to whether the baby was a boy or a girl.  Unlike so many couples these days, my daughter and her husband decided not to learn the baby’s gender in advance.  They were surprised on her actual birthday.  Seriously, does it even matter?  This baby has been hand picked by God as the perfect addition to a family regardless of the gender.  He knows the exact path for each child, as well as the family dynamic that she will bring, as He graces the parents with His gift for their family.  After this sweet little baby girl is resting in your arms, you can’t imagine that any other child could be better for you.  Of course, this is the case because God has chosen this gift directly for you and He knows BEST, what each family needs.

Welcome to this world, sweet granddaughter!  We are so thrilled you are here.  You are perfectly created, and to follow along on your journey of life with your parents is a privilege like no other.  We are humbled and forever grateful for this God given gift of YOU!

And welcome to the Front Parking Spot of life, sweet baby girl!


Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


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Front Parking Spot - Your Plans

Front Parking Spot – Your Plans


Recently, I had what I consider to be a “God Moment”.  I felt like angels were singing in praise with this new great idea that God had placed in my head.  My husband and I prayed for God’s direction and we moved quickly towards what we felt was God’s will.  Doors were opening, important information was learned and then the moment of action needed to happen.  When facing the risk involved and staring at the cross road of the direction we should take, we prayed, Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”  We moved forward with our course of action and then this amazing door of opportunity was slammed shut.  Prior to this revelation, our hearts were at ease with the knowledge that whatever God’s will was in this life decision, He would direct.

He did.

At first, I was sad that our plan did not happen.  It had seemed so clearly to be from God.  Why didn’t this work out?  Then I remembered my prayer for His perfect will.  There were so many unknowns in my finite mind that I had to trust the one who knows best and this gave me great peace.

Already, details are unfolding where we can see His hand in the new direction that we are taking.  In future months, I know we will continue to see His plan unfold even more clearly.  Don’t get me wrong, the idea is still there but we have to commit to the Lord our actions, so that His perfect plans can happen in His exact timing.  It is undeniable that God’s will in our lives and the path we should take is what leads us to that front parking spot and this is where I choose to hang my hat on this journey of life.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans for a hope and a future.”

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Front Parking Spot - Wife Wisdom

Front Parking Spot – Wife Wisdom

This weekend, Dads are celebrated around the world.  Obviously, I am not a Dad, but a wife who is married to a wonderful Dad of our three daughters.  Over 30 years of marriage, I have learned many things about marriage relationships.  I have created a list of 6 key elements for women to remember and implement in their own relationships with the Daddy of their own children.

1.     Women have a tendency to nag.  Don’t nag, it’s extremely annoying.  Before making a request or a statement be sure you have your husband’s full attention and then bring up the discussion point you want to share.  Otherwise, you are just talking to yourself, without him listening, and you will become frustrated.

2.     All men need respect.  Be careful of the words you say.  Avoid sentence starters like “You never,” or “Why do you always?”  Starting a conversation this way will not end up being productive.  Focus more on starting with, “I feel…”

3.     Be careful what you say about your husband in a room full of women.  Being a teacher, I am around women all the time.  It is very alarming to hear a woman “husband bash.”  Please refrain from ever doing this.  No one knows what to say to a woman who is bashing and it diminishes your husband’s value.  Remember your vow “to love and to cherish.”

4.     No one ever wants to be around a “Debbie Downer.”  Avoid becoming one.  We have all been with people who have nothing uplifting or encouraging to say. Try not to be that constant complainer to your husband.  Those types of conversations and attitudes get old quickly and leave no one with any warm and fuzzy feelings.

5.     Be sure to take care of yourself.  It has been widely acclaimed that, “If Mama isn’t happy, nobody’s happy!”  As cliché as this is, when you have some time with God, exercise, put makeup on, or clean up, you feel better about yourself and those around you can sense the difference.  Take the time to do this and see how it changes your frame of mind.  You will be infinitely more pleasant around others and you will feel better about yourself too.

6.     Pray for your husband.  The number one thing you can do daily for the man you married is to pray for him.  Many years ago, a good friend taught me a scripture I say often.  It is Luke 2:52. Pray that your husband will increase in “wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.” This is a very powerful scripture to claim over him.  Why not pray and believe it?  This is what the “Front Parking Spot” mentality and living to God’s full potential in your life, is all about, so go for it!

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Front Parking Spot - Silver Linings

Front Parking Spot – Silver Linings

At this very moment, you and I, and all of our family members are in the middle of navigating life. At any given moment, decisions are made, events take place, and hopefully our plans go as anticipated. Other times our “Plan A” can falter and slip into a reality that we never initially imagined. I have found that when I try to deal with all of these issues on my own, my thoughts can turn emotional or the question may arise, “What could I have done differently?”  However, when I stop and ask Jesus to intervene in my situation, with his guidance and perspective, I can be confident in knowing that He has the answers. Sometimes His answers aren’t the ones we want or see but they may happen because of an unknown situation. His divine plan is always better than the one we can create or control. I call these times of change and flexibility, silver linings.


The definition of silver lining is a “consoling aspect of a difficult situation.” Silver linings aren’t always the ones that we choose, but they are the ones that God puts in place, so we can grow and change into the form in which He is molding us.

Challenge yourself daily to put God first in your mind as you ask for His help with these unique situations when they present themselves. If a change in plans comes along, rest assured that there is a silver lining and this is the best outcome for your life right now.


In addition, be kind to the people that cross your path, because you never know their circumstances, or how their own personal journey could have been altered from their original plans. Maybe they are currently working to accept their own “silver lining” and a little extra kindness may help them in their resolve.  As soon as you stop and put Him in control of your situation, you can find comfort in knowing that you have laid all of your challenges at His feet and it is now your turn to let go and trust.


Proverbs 3:5-6(NKJ) “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding: In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

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Front Parking Spot - Be Genuinely Invested

 Front Parking Spot - Be Genuinely Invested

In our lives, there are people that come and go. Some stay for a season and then others drift away and we never see them again.  Others make a mark in our lives, and every reunion with them is like you’ve never been apart.  Why is this the case?

From my experience, the difference seems to be in those who choose to genuinely invest for the long term in their relationships.  It’s the friend or family member who has your back all the time.  It’s the one who calls, just because they were thinking of you to find out what happened with the situation you were previously facing, maybe even from months ago.  It’s the one who cares and is solidly in your corner.

So why not decide to be that friend to someone else?  Step outside of your personal bubble and make a point to think of others more than yourself.  Reach out to that person when you think of them.  Don’t believe that since you follow them on social media you are “up to date” with what is happening in their lives. Never assume that a “like” on a person’s post replaces a real and authentic conversation.  The day to day moments and life decisions are not usually chronicled on social media.  Call them when you think of it, instead of simply sending a text.  This phenomenon is the Holy Spirit purposefully prompting you, so this is your que to be obedient.  You may be the only one who takes action, when everyone else keeps putting it off.  Let your conversation be “just what they needed to hear” in regard to something that has been weighing on them or a decision that they are struggling with.

Right here and now, I challenge you to be that genuine friend that others thank God for in their prayers.  You will find that this support will come right back to you when you need that personal phone call of encouragement, yourself.  Make a mental or actual note about something they have said and circle back to that the next time you see them.  Adopt this practice and you will be amazed by the unbreakable relationships that you will treasure, as your life progresses throughout the decades.

Luke 11:5 And he said unto them, which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves.

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The Long Haul

Front Parking Spot – The Long Haul

It was 62 years ago that my parents exchanged their life long wedding vows.  They were married 60 years when my Dad passed away, just 2 years ago.   As I was thinking about my post for today, a clear topic emerged.  What makes a couple go through the long haul of 60 years of marriage together?  

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Seek God

This is a big weekend for Christian and Jewish families.  Christians around the world will be celebrating Easter, remembering when Jesus rose from the dead, as He said He would (Mark 16:7).  In addition, the Jewish faith commemorates the beginning of Passover, the time when the Israelites were freed from Egyptian slavery more than 3,000 years ago (Exodus 12).

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Front Parking Spot - Narrow Road

Life.  It’s pretty simple if we let it be. Why do we complicate it? There is a constant pull in this world to be the best, the most popular, the one with the most happening, but why do we let this control our actions? Why do we need to be like everyone else going through the wide gate? When we know it says that the wide gate brings destruction. Who wants that?

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