Front Parking Spot - The Original 10

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Front Parking Spot – The Original 10

Any person who reads the bible will admit that you gain a unique insight each time you read it.  It is truly phenomenal, that in certain points in a person’s life the bible will resonate differently. The late 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant stated, “The Bible is an in exhaustible fountain of all truths. The existence of the Bible is the greatest blessing which humanity ever experienced. It is full of inexhaustible treasure for you to read and digest, and through which you can encounter God.”

The bible holds many principles for a blessed life. In Exodus 20 we are given a straightforward list of the ten rules or commandments for a fulfilled and content life.  Let us take a fresh look at them today. They are very straightforward and really quite simple.

1.     “You shall have no other gods before Me.“  What is your god? Is it status, power or success? Is it an obsession with popularity, sports, hobby or social media? This is pretty streamlined. Don’t make anything bigger than God in your life.

2.     “You shall not make idols.” Where do you draw your power from? Is it a cross that hangs around your neck in place of a relationship with Jesus? Is it a statue that gives you protection in your car or house? Is it your money that controls you? Whatever is your focus of worship, that is your idol.  Make God your only idol in life.

3.     “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” Whenever you say God or Jesus it should be when you are praying or praising. When you call out God’s name, you have his attention. Don’t waste it on a sentence of anger or slander.

4.     “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” One day a week of no work and renewal, who wouldn’t want this? God tells us to rest a day, the maker of the universe knows best. Listen to him and accept this gift.

5.     “Obey your father and mother.” The sentence that follows this is “So that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” We all know that our Mom and Dad have great wisdom for us, listen to them and our days on Earth will be long. This is a win-win for sure, so do it!

6.     “You shall not murder.” All human lives matter, even the silent like the preborn and the elderly. God made us ALL in His image. We are not to kill.

7.     “You shall not commit adultery.” You made a commitment to your person. Don’t be “that guy or girl” who can’t follow through on a promise. Are you really that weak that you can throw your whole relationship away because you can’t fight temptation? God will rescue you, if you ask for His help.

8.     “You shall not steal.” If it isn’t yours…do…not…take…it!

9.     “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” This means slander, lies, and gossip. This is not an attractive personality trait. If someone talks about someone to you, you better know they are talking about you when you aren’t around. Either correct them, or disassociate with that person.

10.  “You shall not covet.” Keeping up with the Joneses is nothing but a recipe for ungratefulness. We have so much for which to be thankful. Focus on what you do have.

God made it pretty basic for Moses many years ago and he makes it simple for us too. These are tried and true commandments. Who are we to change them to satisfy our own selfish desires? Strive to stick to each one to realize a true level of contentment. There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience that following each of these commandments brings. Sticking with these original 10 will make you happier as a result.