Jennifer Bosma

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Front Parking Spot - Silver Linings

Sunset in Dubrovnik, Croatia

Front Parking Spot – Silver Linings

At this very moment, you and I, and all of our family members are in the middle of navigating life. At any given moment, decisions are made, events take place, and hopefully our plans go as anticipated. Other times our “Plan A” can falter and slip into a reality that we never initially imagined. I have found that when I try to deal with all of these issues on my own, my thoughts can turn emotional or the question may arise, “What could I have done differently?”  However, when I stop and ask Jesus to intervene in my situation, with his guidance and perspective, I can be confident in knowing that He has the answers. Sometimes His answers aren’t the ones we want or see but they may happen because of an unknown situation. His divine plan is always better than the one we can create or control. I call these times of change and flexibility, silver linings.

The definition of silver lining is a “consoling aspect of a difficult situation.” Silver linings aren’t always the ones that we choose, but they are the ones that God puts in place, so we can grow and change into the form in which He is molding us.

Challenge yourself daily to put God first in your mind as you ask for His help with these unique situations when they present themselves. If a change in plans comes along, rest assured that there is a silver lining and this is the best outcome for your life right now.

In addition, be kind to the people that cross your path, because you never know their circumstances, or how their own personal journey could have been altered from their original plans. Maybe they are currently working to accept their own “silver lining” and a little extra kindness may help them in their resolve.  As soon as you stop and put Him in control of your situation, you can find comfort in knowing that you have laid all of your challenges at His feet and it is now your turn to let go and trust.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJ) “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding: In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”