Jennifer Bosma

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Front Parking Spot - Reset

As we all go through some kind of quarantine and the world as we know it, has completely changed, the one word that keeps coming back to me is “reset.”

Resetting can be a very good thing. Even in the face of unprecedented challenges in our path a number of very positive resets are taking place, if we will only take notice.

Here are just a few:

Families are having dinner together around the kitchen table again.

Kids are playing outside again, everything from kickball to sidewalk chalk to hide and seek.

People are walking their dogs, hiking trails or strolling on the beach.

Concerned neighbors are calling on seniors in their communities, wondering if they need a grocery pick up.

Rather than simply stalking on social media anonymously, phone calls are being made to long lost friends for a more real and personal re-connection.

The list goes on and new resets are occurring daily, which is amazing, but what can we take away from this experience? We can learn that God is still on His throne and even despite difficult times like this, He brings us together in countless ways. From goodwill shared with others, to conversations around the dinner table, we see that family and the important relationships in life are the most valuable connections we have on this earth.

Through this trial, we learn that God has a plan and whatever that is, He is in control. It’s not about us and our will, but His. We are reminded that without Christ in our life, our hope can waver. Come back to Christ and He will restore that hope in your heart if you will only trust Him and His plan.

So, this too shall pass, but remember to draw close to God and all that He has for you. He longs to be a part of your life.  Most importantly, teach your children about Jesus because this world and beyond is a very scary place without Him.

Finally, have peace in knowing that it is all going to work out. Things will get back to normal and the biomedical threat will subside. At the same time, make the resets you rediscovered a part of your life again. They are truly a gift to be cherished.

Proverbs 3: 5-6- (NKJV) “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”