Time to Pray

Most mamas have a phone within reaching distance at any given moment. For me, it has replaced my watch on many occasions. When I grab my phone to see the time, I love seeing a unique number that resembles a birthday or even an anniversary appear on the time stamp. It will make me think of a person in my family or even special dates in my memory. How do you maximize that moment in time for full benefit? You pray!

A mama’s days are busy, not to mention the infrequent times for quiet moments. So, use that particular time to pray for the family member that jogs your memory with the time. You never know; maybe that time is presented to you because that person needs your prayers. When you see that person reassure them that you have been praying for them, this will give a sense of peace that God has their situation in total control.

Even if that prayer is less than a minute, you have faithfully lifted that person to Jesus. So be mindful of the times you see on a clock; the good your prayers are doing is more than you’ll ever know!


1 Thessalonians 5: 16:19-Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.