The Big Picture


We have so many plans for our children. We want them to grow in body, mind, and spirit, all in a way that pleases Jesus and us. Mix in prayers for a Godly spouse, good relationships and safety, prayers are stacked. However, be at peace to know that all people go through phases of development on a unique timetable.  Realistically to be in sync, at all times, isn’t always how God works.


I remember when my oldest was a Kindergartener, initially she had trouble reading. I prayed for reading to click for her. The mountain seemed pretty big. We had done everything to line up a clear path for reading success. We read to her practically every day, from our books to weekly library visits.  Why did we have the hurdle? In other areas of her life, she was blossoming. She asked for baptism at three years old. She loved her sisters and was a kind friend. She was a helpful, eloquent, and sweet daughter who openly shared her love for Jesus with everyone. The kink in her armor was reading, and that need became the spotlight in my prayer life. I forgot to praise the things going right, and I seemed to only focus on that need.


So, what about you? Do you get burdened down by that one “thing” in your child’s life and forget to be thankful for all the good elements that are lining up? If so, step back and see all of the positive developments that your child has mastered. You’ve prayed for help with the challenge, so now is the time to trust that God has the big picture worked out. Celebrate all the positives, and in time that constant prayer request will be all figured out and forgotten. To dwell on the need only layers a cloud on all the good that is happening. Be free of the worry and celebrate the strides that are happening right before your eyes.


To sum it up, you will be glad to know that my daughter did become an excellent reader, and now she is teaching her own babies how to read. God is always faithful.


1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NIV) “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”