Sing, Sing and Sing Some More

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One Minute Mama – Sing, Sing and Sing Some More

Wondering what you can do to change a mood and teach your child at the same time? You guessed it, sing to your baby! Here are 5 ways that you can help foster your child’s development through singing.

1. Looking to change your baby’s frustration level? Hearing a song sung by you will distract her from her current mood. She will quickly tune in to hear what you are singing. Eventually she will stop the fuss to listen to your song. The happiness hormones, endorphins and oxytocin are released while singing, resulting in changed temperaments all around.

2. Did you know that singing helps your child’s vocabulary? Indeed, it does! Singing helps your child to hear rhythmic patterns of words and phrases. This will help your little one string together sentences with new word choices. Scientist have stated that neuroplasticity (new brain pathways) occurs in the brain when songs are sung.

3. Do you feel more secure with predictability? Babies sure do. If you sing to your little boy when he wakes up, change a diaper or put him down to sleep, he can be reassured with the upcoming activity. This makes a baby feel safe and more at ease.

4. Looking for ways to engage your family? Most family members have a favorite song and if given a chance they will gladly belt it out. It is amazing how the different genres of music can emerge when singing to your little one. Whether you are singing acapella or along with music, your baby will enjoy the songs you sing all while learning word patterns in music along the way.

5. Do you want your little girl to maximize her growth in future development? Dr. Anita Collins states in her book, The Lullaby Effect that "Singing is one of the most natural experiences to share with your children and now we know even more through scientific research about the power of music to assist in your child's cognitive and physical development."

So here you have it. Whether you sing on or off key, it doesn’t matter to your child. Sing that song and have fun with it. Singing is one of the best tools in your parenting arsenal. You are doing way more than you can even imagine by letting the notes fly!

Psalm 33:3 (NIV) “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.”
