Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama - The Best Gift

One Minute Mama- The Best Gift

Everybody wants to give their child a gift that they will always treasure. Something so valuable would certainly never get old or go out of style.  If you are searching for such a gift for your child, I have an idea.  Oddly, this special gift isn’t given to them until they are an adult, but it takes years to assemble.  Are you wondering what present could be this perfect? It’s a simple journal, authored by you, that captures the framework and story of your child’s life from the moment of arrival to starting a family of her own.

Before my oldest daughter was born, I was given a unique little journal with an angel bear adorning the front cover. Inside was nothing but empty pages, waiting to be filled up by my daughter’s life story. I didn’t know the value of this gift and all that it was going to become until I found myself writing notes, memories and prayers to her as she grew up. Being a busy Mom, I didn’t have much time to scribe lengthy notes into it. Sometimes I would only open it a couple times a year to jot notes as my other daughters were born and their own journals were added to my writing list. However, the important things were written down; powerful prayers, notes of feelings before she got on her first school bus, times of getting in trouble or funny things said, just to name a few.

However, some entries really stand out. For instance, the night before she left for college, when the realization of how quickly the years really do fly by hit me, I had to write it down.  Or finally, the last entry that I made during her rehearsal dinner, just as she was about fully leave our nest as a wife to her husband. I will never forget scribing these last thoughts and then having the moment in front of all of our family and friends, as I passed along this treasured gift to her. It was a collection of all my moments with her as a Mom, and those times when God revealed Himself, as she grew up under my care. At this moment, I realized that there was nothing more valuable or cherished that I could have given to my daughter other than this dated book that was filled to the very last page. These special memories would have been long forgotten if it weren’t for this old angel bear journal. Now, they are preserved forever. It truly is a testament to all their special life moments and answered prayers from a God who is faithful from their very beginning.

It’s never too late to start a journal, so don’t worry about your child’s age right now. This priceless gift of love will surely always be, the best one of all.

James 1 : 17 (NIV) “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”