Jennifer Bosma

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Remembering Jesus this Easter Season

One Minute Mama – Remembering Jesus this Easter Season

It’s finally Spring! The days are warming up, the tulips are popping and many Moms are trying to find the time to get that much needed pedicure! Kids are becoming so excited to take part in neighborhood egg hunts, eat chocolate bunnies and nibble on jelly beans of every color, not to mention the thrilling anticipation of finding a well-hidden Easter basket.

All of this is so wonderful and fun but Mama, do your best to keep Jesus in Easter.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the hype and commercialism of the holiday and lose sight of why we celebrate Easter in the first place.  Steal away for a moment to read Mark 16, and then share with your kids the awesome news that He is Risen!  At the same time, you can pick out a cute new Easter church dress or handsome shirt to include in your child’s basket, so he or she gets a sense of the importance of the event.  Easter traditions are sweet memory makers but don’t leave out the best part of all.  The tomb is empty and Jesus has risen from the dead, as He said he would, on that glorious third day!  Can you imagine being there and seeing it for yourself, first hand?  Many people did see it in person.  Talk to your little ones about what that must have been like.  What an amazing memory that will make for your family to cherish!

Mark 16:6-7 (NKJ) “But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed.  You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He is risen!  He is not here.  See the place where they laid Him.  But go and tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.”

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