Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama - It Won't Be Like This For Long

One Minute Mama - It Won’t Be Like This for Long

We had just dropped off our middle daughter for her first year of college and I was proud of myself as I fought to stay strong, trying not to become too emotional.   Then it happened the next morning, driving into work.  Darius Rucker’s song, “It Won’t Be Like This for Long” came on the radio.  I had heard it many times before but the song never really hit me until that moment.  All of my strength went out the proverbial window and tears streamed down my face.

It is safe to say, she was my most challenging baby for her first year of life.  This little one always wanted to be held due to a colicky stomach.  In addition, she only wanted me to hold her and she didn’t really like milk.  Our new life, as a family of four, seemed turned upside down until she began to grow up.  Slowly, she would let others hold her and her stomach began to settle.  However, the beginning challenges we faced ring true for so many families in their own unique situations.

When that new baby comes home, life as you know it is turned upside down.  You wonder if things will ever be the same again?  The answer is no, it won’t.  It will be so much better as the gift of time carries on and you can see the blessing that only children can bring into our lives.  People are quick to tell you, “enjoy it, they grow up so quickly” and you really don’t believe them as you are sleep deprived and can’t seem to finish anything you start.   However, the undeniable fact is they do grow up and you won’t realize it until they have flown out of your nest.  Then in a flash, you will see the early, child rearing years like a movie in fast forward.

So, for now, young mamas, listen to this sweet song that Darius Rucker sings so perfectly and embrace the phase of life you are in right now.  Don’t rush your days, just soak them in.  Each phase is packed with its own challenges and triumphs.  Each experience makes your child the person they are meant to be and for this, be grateful.

Always remember when life is challenging and you are tired, it won’t be like this for long.


Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”