Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama - Don't Compare

One Minute Mama – Don’t Compare


In our world of social media, with news at our finger tips, it’s easy to get drawn into a comparison ideology of other people’s lives vs. our own.  Amy C. of California offers an insightful viewpoint, “Take all advice with a grain of salt. Instagram and Facebook are full of picture-perfect families with tons of opinions.  I promise that their day-to-day is very different.  Do what works for you and your family.  Don’t feel guilty for not following the perfect plan laid out in photos or by some social media guru.”

This is so true! Up until ten years ago, most people relied on reading books about parenting and also following tried and true practices spread by word of mouth.  Social media was just developing, but social groups of women, getting together to talk about their common experiences has been happening since the dawn of time.  Now, a young mom can search the internet and in seconds find a plethora of solutions to her problem that are all “guaranteed” to work.  But do you really trust all the spectacular images, vacations and storybook romances as presented on social media?

Why not try and find a community of other moms that are in your neighborhood or city.  Get out of your house and cultivate time spent with these other ladies that are in your same proverbial “boat.”  Share ideas, and listen to advice they may offer face to face.  No social media post is a replacement for direct, face to face, human contact.  Being in a play group, bible study, or other child activity class is a better way to gain practical advice on day to day child developments, and see the results, first hand.

Last but not least, pray. These are the most tiring, but most influential days in your child’s young life. So many foundations are developing and a mom who is always comparing her family or herself to others is discounting the very important role she plays. Listen to advice and take what has value, but remember, through prayer, the Lord will guide your heart down the best path you should take and He has the best advice to offer.


Galatians 6:4 (NIV) Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.”