Navigating the Curvy Road of Life

As you navigate being a mama today, things are different than when you were a child. This world is crazy, and your Christian beliefs get challenged daily. The circumstances have changed, but evil to God's people has been around since the beginning of time, as evidenced by Jesus himself. Jesus raised the dead, healed the sick, and turned water into wine, only to be crucified by the same people who witnessed these things. Since he did this for us, complete with resurrection and leaving us His Holy Spirit, you, Mama, will be fine in this world with Him by your side.

Here are three tips from Proverbs while navigating this curvy road of life.

Be Wise- "The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands." As mamas, we have an instinct to construct a home that meets our family's needs. We can spend hours completing projects to make our home just right. Along with comfort, the most critical brick in your home's foundation is to have God present within it. Seek time daily to read your Bible, a devotional, or turn on praise music and sing out loud. Inviting God into your home is never too late, starting with a prayer to ask Him. These actions will build your home and your family within it to withstand the world's challenges.

Proverbs 14:11- "The house of the wicked will be overthrown. But the tent of the upright will flourish."

 Be Vigilant- As a mom, you carefully watch out for danger. Be aware of the slippery slope of evil around every corner of society today. Mama, you know what is right. Even if you haven't been a Christian for long, right is right, and wrong is wrong. Don't be distracted from what you know in your heart is true to go along with popular culture. It is ok not to be accepted by your peers when you stand up for your established beliefs. Don't waver or buckle down over fear of others or the situation. Your children will see you standing up for what is right even though it could be difficult. Let others hear your voice. Doing this will keep you on God's path.

Proverbs 14:16- "A wise man fears and departs from evil, but a fool rages and is self-confident."

Be Confident-There is no sweeter spot to be in than in God's will for your life. In God's will, you will have peace, contentment, and joy in your days when you actively pray and ask Him to be a part of it. He isn't one to barge in, so invite Him. Stop and ask Him to lead you if you haven't done this. You have the Almighty Father and an army of angels on your side, call upon them, and you will feel their presence. 

Proverbs 14:26- "In the fear of the Lord, there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge."

As you navigate life's road, be wise, vigilant, and confident. When you call upon God for His wisdom, you can get around the roadblocks and boulders that will come crashing down on your journey. He will direct you to your destination; knowledge will rest in your heart with this understanding. Proverbs 14: 33.