Me Map-God's Way-Finding Contentment

 Getting caught in the proverbial trap of lack of contentment is so easy.

Here we are sitting, and our brains rush to what's next and the way to future happiness…

 When I get a bigger house.

When we make more money.

When my kids go to a different school.

When my kids sleep through the night.


It becomes nothing but "when" and what is next.


Here's some help…. STOP!


Halt that movie reel running in your head and breathe contentment. Do this short graphic, and don't worry about your artwork.


Draw a picture of little you at the bottom of a page. (maybe a 4th grader)

Then, arrow up: When did you meet Jesus? (If you haven't, message me; this is the secret to contentment right here.) Label life events like college, work, moves, marriage, kids, house, etc.


Then step back and LOOK!


See where you have come to. Look at the immense blessings in your life. Only through an exercise like this can you truly see the hand of God in your life.


Are there regrets? Maybe? But guess what, Moms, those regrets don't limit the Ephesians 3:20 life God has for you. Treat this time as a leaping-off place for God to bless you with clarity and peace about where you are.

Forget about the empty areas of unknowns above the graphic you drew.


Be happy in the now, regardless of whether you are tired, short on money, or not fulfilled in whatever situation you are going through. Cry out to Jesus for Him to partner up with you right now and be content, breathe, and stop waiting for the next thing to occupy your time with distractions from the now. See God's blessings for you in this season right here and now. You will never get this time back in your movie reel of life. Be in the moment, rest in Him, and wait on Him with peace and contentment. Your next steps will be ordered as he designs.

Your Me Map is impressive. God has you in the palm of His hand; rest in it with the gift of contentment, and know your next steps will come as He plans.


Now, enjoy the journey!


Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.