Just 5 Minutes

Just 5 Minutes


Mama, you are a busy lady. The time for yourself is very minimal. This message is about giving yourself just 5 minutes to start your day right.


When you wake up, resist the urge to scroll on your phone first. Give yourself 5 minutes for just you and God without any electronics.


Here is the plan:


  1. Grab your morning java or water.

  2. Go to your happy place, a big picture window or outside.

  3. Be silent and listen.

  4. Thank God for the little things that you notice.

  5. Pray for God to direct your steps, conversations, and heart.

  6. Stay longer with God at this moment if you can.

  7. Start your day.


Follow this 7-step plan daily. When you put your priorities in the right order, your day will run smoothly and create a happy heart within you.❤️


Psalms 51: 10- “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”