I'm Sorry

During a workout yesterday, our instructor Allison made a compelling discovery. Why do women always say, “I’m sorry?” In our 50-minute class, even after exposing this phenomenon, “I’m sorry” was said ten times with 11 women present. We were discussing that we say “I’m sorry” for everything. Why do women say this? Is it a verbal pause?

According to Merriam Webster, sorry means feeling sorrow or sympathy, regret or repentance. It seems like the overuse of this word diminishes its impact in circumstances where it is appropriate. In addition, sorry is an admission of guilt. So why are we saying sorry while awkwardly passing a person in the grocery store, clarification on equipment needed in a workout, or asking for help? This comment is throwing around an essential word out of context.

Teaching your kids to say “I’m sorry” is a vital message to all children. We can all think of people who need to apologize but never do. However, let’s not muddy the waters of its meaning. Bring back words like pardon me, excuse me, or forgive me and save sorry for its pure purpose. Biblically we are taught that forgiveness and apologizing are crucial to living freely in Jesus. As a mama, let’s use this mighty word as it means to wholeheartedly see our mistakes and change from any behaviors causing them to be said.

2 Corinthians 7: 9 “yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us.”

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