How Does God Speak to Us?

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In 1993, John Gray released his book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. This book was groundbreaking on improving communication and relationships between a man and a woman. He mentions that men and women are wired differently and understanding these differences can improve the relationship with your spouse.

If men and women need different emotional support from each other, it makes sense that God communicates with them in the way they hear best.

Here are some biblical examples of how God spoke to men:

  1. Moses goes to the top of Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments and experiences a burning bush.

  2. God tells Moses to raise his staff, the Red Sea divides, and the Hebrew people escape to freedom.

  3. God gives a preview of the flood to come and tells Noah to build an ark, saving his family and animals from certain death.

  4. At God’s direction, David challenges Goliath with only a sling and some stones, and kills the giant with one shot.

  5. God gives Daniel peace about spending the night in the lion’s den and he is unharmed.

Women in the Bible had these experiences:

  1. Sarah was working in the tent when God tells her that she would have Isaac.

  2. Ruth gathered in the fields and God sends Boaz to meet her. They married. Their child was the lineage to David.

  3. While working in her home, the angel Gabriel told Mary she would conceive and bring forth a son, Jesus.

  4. The woman with the jar of costly oil came to anoint Jesus before His death. Jesus told her he would remember her.

  5. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body. She heard a man in white say, “He is not here, He has risen.”

Do you see a pattern here?

Throughout biblical history, we see that men have had some awe-inspiring moments while learning pieces of knowledge from God. (Big Picture) In contrast, women’s experiences were more subtle within their normal daily activity and work scope. (Details)

So, what about today? It’s not uncommon for Jesus to speak to a woman during her regular routines, like in biblical times. I can relate to this because sometimes my best Godly revelations are at my kitchen sink. When my husband is at the sink, he is only thinking about finishing the task.

We have to keep in mind that God speaks to each of us differently. Just because you hear from God one way, doesn’t make your husband’s realization of Godly knowledge more or less meaningful or impactful. God created us differently and how he speaks to us is also different. We should embrace these differences and respect the delivery of His words in the way God intends. He knows best how to reach us. It’s our job to listen.


 Acts 2:18 (NIV) “Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”