Jennifer Bosma

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A Simple Christmas Tree

One Minute Mama- A Simple Christmas Tree

Over time our family’s traditional Christmas tree has changed. What started as a tree of memories had been replaced by a trendier and more Pinterest-styled tree. Every year more and more of our handmade child ornaments along with family memories seem to stay in the box. To be current, I swapped out the colored lights for sleek white. We decided a big tree was best, so we searched for the tallest tree that we could find. The souvenir ornaments from great family trips stayed packed. Not to mention how the antique ornaments from relatives stayed stored because they didn’t “fit in” anymore. The idea of having just one tree changed to more trees complete with different themes.  My simple Christmas tree slowly drifted away.

Some Moms love the creative outlet that comes with decorating a tree. This event is exciting for them and makes them happy. For me, the artsy tree became more of a requirement to keep up with the trends rather than a deep desire in my heart. I wanted to impress my friends and make it top-notch for the company Christmas party. My tree had become a burden to me, and the joy behind it slowly faded.

With the help of my youngest daughter, I went back to basics this year. We picked out a small but perfect tree that fit inside my Jeep. We pulled out the ornament boxes tucked away for years. We decorated the tree telling the stories behind each ornament. We reminisced about the photographs taken when they were small. My first married Christmas ornaments reclaimed their place at the top, just below the star. This year my tree is perfect because it is meaningful. It is a tree filled with memories of the years that passed by so quickly. It brought back the joy of decorating a tree and the reasons why we do it. This enjoyment hasn’t happened in years.

So, Mamas, decorate your tree with memories and stories from the years. Treasure those handmade ornaments made by your little ones. The ones that you receive now will frame the stories in the future.  Don’t try to live up to the expectations from others as the years fly. Live simple, and stick with the basics.  Remember the simplicity of 2000 years ago with Jesus in the manger. There is no better place to start than with the Christmas tree wrapped in the gift of family memories.

Merry Christmas!

Isaiah 60:13- “The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the fir, and the cypress together, to adorn my sanctuary; and I will glorify the place for my feet.”