Jennifer Bosma

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Welcome to the Front Parking Spot!

I can still remember exactly when it first happened. My girls were 6, 4 and 2 and the thought of spending a couple of hours at an adventure park seemed to be a good way to spend the day. While pulling into the parking lot it quickly became obvious that others had my same, “good idea.” The lot was jammed packed with minivans and other mom-mobiles.

Settling for the last parking row and the long journey to the entrance gate, with my kids and all of our stuff in tow, seemed inevitable. “Maybe not,” I thought. I decided to check out the front row, looking for a front parking spot, and that’s when it happened.  Just as I turned the corner and began to cruise past the front row, there it was! Another car was pulling out of the front spot as I approached and I pulled right into the front parking spot! A new life motto began that day: always go for the Front Parking Spot!  If you look, there is probably one available. If you don’t, you’ll be sure to be stuck all the way in the back.  So, why do so many people just settle for parking in the last row?

In Ephesians 3:20 it says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” So why not believe that Jesus can do all things and even the little things, like giving us the front parking spot? If we don’t ask, we don’t get, right? Right! Jesus has big plans for all of us, more than we can even imagine, so why do we limit His power?

I challenge you to adopt the Front Parking Spot mentality, in all aspects of your life, from a parking spot to a new endeavor or anything in between. Don’t minimize the plans God has for you in your life. Go for the big things and if a spot isn’t available, try again. You might be surprised to see what could be waiting for you in the front row.