Jennifer Bosma

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Take Care of Yourself

One Minute Mama – Take Care of Yourself, 3/26/19

It is a known fact that a mom is on call 24/7.  Moms are always aware of the dinner plan, or lack thereof.  They keep a running tally of everything needed at the grocery store, either with, or without a list, even as they mentally scroll through the next day’s events.  It is easy to make everyone else a priority over a mom but Amy C. from California offers this piece of advice to busy moms.  Amy states, “I think the most important thing of all is to remember that you were a woman before you were a mom. Remember that person, and take care of her.  Make the time to do all the things that made you who you are.  If you don’t, it will catch up with you.”

So, take time for yourself.  Schedule an exercise class, sign up for a Bible study, plan a date night with your husband.  Regardless of what your “me” time looks like, be sure to schedule it into your day.

Proverbs 31:10 NIV- “A wife of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.”