Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama - Simply, Thank You

This is Pontius Pilate’s Courtyard in Jerusalem where Jesus was sentenced to death.

As the Easter weekend begins, in our shaken-up world, there are two words that come to mind. These words are simply, thank you!

Thank you, Jesus for your sacrifice on the cross. It released us from the innumerable, sin and guilt offerings the Israelites had to make themselves in the Old Testament. By you taking on this final sacrifice, we are truly forgiven for all the sins we commit both past, present and future. For this, I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for giving us contentment. Without you, we are never satisfied, as we look for happiness in the next trip, financial gain or accomplishment. In this current state of the world, we are temporarily stripped of those material pleasures but having you, makes us realize you are truly the only thing we need.

Thank you for the gift of eternal life. You proved this to all of humanity, long ago, when you walked in wholeness on that Easter Sunday. The promise you gave to each of us, to be with you for eternity, was solidified that day.

Thank you for taking the time, before your ascension, to walk and talk with your disciples. In these moments, you provided living proof, before their very eyes, and commissioned them to share the truth with the world about your birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection for all the ages to come.

Mamas, I wish you a new awareness of Jesus in your life. Seek Him to join you on this journey and help you navigate this ever-changing world.  He is all we need as our foundation. It’s why he sacrificed His life, for yours. He is waiting with wide open arms and He never disappoints!

Read Isaiah 53- This is an Old Testament scripture which points directly to Jesus’ life, death and resurrection 700 years before Jesus’ birth.

Check out this book by Sheila Walsh to boost your prayer life.

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