Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama -Moving the Mountain

Grand Tetons, Wyoming-Photo credit to Samantha Seedorff

One Minute Mama – Moving the Mountain

Being a mama is a lot about doing the same things every day.

Wake up, get dressed, make breakfast, take care of kids, do errands, complete house chores, satisfy work demands, make dinner, get ready for bed, sleep…repeat.

Sound familiar?

Even though it is important to ask Jesus to direct all of our steps daily, He has equipped us to do the basics. Most daily tasks can be completed without a high level of dependency, but what about the bigger ideas that He gives us, requiring a deeper level of faith?

Thomas Nelson in his message to stated that “If you can do it without God’s help, you are not doing God’s work.” When God gives you a plan, that calls you out of your comfort zone, you need Him to be able to complete it.  Try spending some time seeking and listening for His purpose in your life that He is calling you to carry out. Trusting in Him with a big idea will sharpen your faith while bringing you intense joy and clarity in the basic routines of life. It may seem bigger than you can imagine but with God on you team and the faith He has given you, He can move mountains, you just have to trust in seeing His bigger picture.

Matthew 17:20- He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there.’ And it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”