Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama - Asking for Help

One Minute Mama – Asking for Help

Let’s face it, Moms are superheroes. They seem to tackle it all and add more to their plates. They are quite independent and are always ready to help others and offer advice. Moms juggle childcare, work, home balance and being a wife, just to name a few.  They are “givers” to every one around them but what happens when they need help? They need to learn how to receive and ask for help.

This past month, learning how to become a virtual teacher and changing a grade level has required me to adopt a complete growth mindset to embrace a new way of teaching. My 22 years in the classroom, along with mentoring 13 student teachers hadn’t adequately equipped me to climb this mountain of learning virtual instruction. However, one thing really has; asking for help from other teachers on my team that have more computer expertise and subject knowledge than myself. Each teammate offers a different wealth of assistance at the perfect time, resulting in making a herculean situation doable.   It is humbling to be transparent enough to ask for this help at a time when it’s really needed, just as it is thrilling when your suggestions are heard.

What about you? Are you comfortable enough to ask for help?  You may need help at your job, with childcare, recovery from a medical situation or countless other things. Maybe you have to talk to a trusted friend to work through a problem. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to ask for help. The people around you are your village and they feel good about lending you the helping hand that you need when you are facing your obstacle. Allow them this opportunity to offer you support. However, be available when the time comes for them to ask you to rally around them again. This time will most certainly come. Just as they helped you, you will be able to give back to them at their point of need, which is extraordinarily rewarding.

Philippians 3 : 3-4 (NIV) “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”