Jennifer Bosma

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One Minute Mama - A Unique Thing

One Minute Mama – A Unique Thing

Recently at a baby shower, Moms and adult children were giving advice to the expectant mama.  Many great words of wisdom were shared but one suggestion really stood out. Stacy B. of Texas stated, “When your kids are growing up, have a unique “thing” with each of them.”  Stacy went on to explain what the “thing” meant.

She shared that with her Mom, she always did choreographed motions at the door before bed with her favorite night time music.  Like it was yesterday, she started demonstrating with her hands as she explained.  In addition, she always did a modified, “I love you” gesture with her Dad as she would catch the bus for elementary school and continuing on years later as she drove herself off to college.  It was amazing how vivid these two events were in her mind even after all of the time had passed since they first evolved.

So, do some special “thing,” unparalleled with each of your kids.  Don’t make it a “one size fits all” application but unique for each of your children.  It is amazing that even after the many years of their initiation, they will be quick to remember these special bonds.  The little things you are doing now are creating a lasting impression, solidifying the bond between you and your children. You never know, it may become that great piece of parenting advice that they share down the road.

Psalm 127:3 (NIV)

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.