Jennifer Bosma

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Front Parking Spot - Be Kind

Front Parking Spot – Be Kind


Rushing to our plane in the Atlanta Airport, a profound thought permeated me as I looked at the multitudes all around.  There were people of every age, nationality and race, all in a rush just like me. In a blink of an eye a realization hit.  If you stopped any person and asked them to share what they were excited, sad or concerned about, everyone would have a story.  We have no idea about the circumstances they may be facing, nor the emotions they may be feeling, so how do we determine the way we should handle the strangers and situations that cross our path?

When we encounter someone with a positive, happy demeanor, we give that right back to them.  That’s an easy one.  However, some say it is human nature for us to become upset when a person is short tempered. There is no doubt it is very easy for us to lose patience and our levelheadedness, but is there a way to reverse this slippery slope of frustration when we encounter rudeness?  The answer is simple; just choose to be kind!  We have no idea what mountain each person is facing.  Maybe a heart was just broken or a health challenge is imminent.   Maybe they are unsure how they are going to dig out of a financial situation or they can’t seem to conceive a baby.  The list of challenges is endless, so be patient. Soften your words and maybe your kindness back to them will help to diffuse whatever situation they are going through, driving their unhappiness and hostility.

On the flip side, what about the happy person?  What brings them so much joy?  What goal have they just achieved or what milestone have they reached in life?  It warms a heart to see joy radiating from a happy spirit.   Are they going to a family wedding, rushing to be a part of a birth or taking that long-awaited trip?  There is no way to know on the surface.  Moments like these are highlights in life, so don’t rain on their parade with any negative attitudes or comments.  Be joyful towards them, be approachable, but most importantly, again, be kind.

Being kind means to make a point to say words that could swing the pendulum to the side of joy.  Be open to giving encouragement to the abrasive airport employee who may be down to their “last straw.”  Be helpful to the young pregnant woman who is struggling with her bag.  Be generous with compliments to that mom who is handling all three of her children with grace and patience. Say a genuine “thank you” to the military person coming home after a long deployment. The opportunities are endless to show kindness, so share it freely with the people you meet along the way. There is no better example of this than Jesus.  He showed kindness to everyone, no matter who they may be.  When we show kindness to others, it is the outward reflection of Jesus within us, shining out into the world.

Finally, it is important to remember that your words have power.  At any given moment, your words could be the exact encouragement needed to charter a life in the direction of God’s plan.  You should feel honored He chose YOU to be the vessel to pass on the message needed to be heard when you cross paths with that stranger…so be kind!


Galatians 5:22 (NIV) “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”