Jennifer Bosma

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Front Parking Spot - Be Genuinely Invested

In our lives, there are people that come and go. Some stay for a season and then others drift away and we never see them again.  Others make a mark in our lives, and every reunion with them is like you’ve never been apart.  Why is this the case?

From my experience, the difference seems to be in those who choose to genuinely invest for the long term in their relationships.  It’s the friend or family member who has your back all the time.  It’s the one who calls, just because they were thinking of you to find out what happened with the situation you were previously facing, maybe even from months ago.  It’s the one who cares and is solidly in your corner.

So why not decide to be that friend to someone else?  Step outside of your personal bubble and make a point to think of others more than yourself.  Reach out to that person when you think of them.  Don’t believe that since you follow them on social media you are “up to date” with what is happening in their lives. Never assume that a “like” on a person’s post replaces a real and authentic conversation.  The day to day moments and life decisions are not usually chronicled on social media.  Call them when you think of it, instead of simply sending a text.  This phenomenon is the Holy Spirit purposefully prompting you, so this is your que to be obedient.  You may be the only one who takes action, when everyone else keeps putting it off.  Let your conversation be “just what they needed to hear” in regard to something that has been weighing on them or a decision that they are struggling with.

Right here and now, I challenge you to be that genuine friend that others thank God for in their prayers.  You will find that this support will come right back to you when you need that personal phone call of encouragement, yourself.  Make a mental or actual note about something they have said and circle back to that the next time you see them.  Adopt this practice and you will be amazed by the unbreakable relationships that you will treasure, as your life progresses throughout the decades.


Luke 11:5 And he said unto them, which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves.