Jennifer Bosma

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Front Parking Spot - Contentment

Twenty years ago, I received some life advice I will never forget. Standing in her driveway, I was commenting to my friend Lisa, how my house was getting too small with our upcoming, 3rd baby’s birth. Also, money was a challenge and it seemed like expenses were bigger than our pay checks. While in my pity party of complaints, Lisa said, “God won’t bless you with more, until you are content with what you have.”

I knew her words were powerful because they struck an immediate chord. I remember walking home pushing my double stroller of babies, talking with God saying, “Lord, please make me content with all that I have!”

Later, I found the scripture from Philippians 4:11: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances.” This proves that even in biblical days, these feelings existed and it is no different now. It is only though a relationship with Christ where we can become free, while asking for the gift of contentment.

Several years back, I was able to take a mission trip into the Dominican Republic. Miles through the sugar cane fields, off a dusty road, we came into a clearing. It was immediately evident we were in the middle of a thriving rural village, filled with residents of all ages. The huge smiles on the children’s faces as they greeted our van made us feel instantly welcome. No one cared what we looked like, what we were wearing or where we were from. They were just glad, we were there. Their homes had dirt floors, with chickens running in and out. The children all played soccer with aluminum foil balls. There was an outdoor gym with a weightlifting bar made from a tree branch and cement filled coffee cans as weights. In our first world mindset, they had nothing, but in reality, they had everything. They made due and were content!

Don’t ever be fooled to think that you will be more content with more money, a bigger house, or newer things. Be content with what God has given you. 1 Timothy tells us, “Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” There is a peace that comes from contentment and knowledge that God will bring the blessings He has for us in His perfect time.

Those sweet villagers gave us far more that day than what we brought to them.  They showed us that “things” don’t make a person content. It is only through a relationship with Christ, that the contentment seed can flourish.

 “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4